Helping sister ships with machine parts

13 February 2023

Mechanics from FFS move out when a ship that is at a port somewhere in the world has an urgent need for new parts.

Join us down in the engine room where Simon Langemyr retrieves parts to be used on another boat.

Text and photo: Sveinung W. Jensen, Tellus Kommunikasjon

- We dismantle the coupling plates between the engine and gear, and carry them up onto the deck, says Simon Langemyr, who has worked as a mechanic at FFS for two years.

The seismic ship is in storage in Lundevågen in Farsund. Tony Kristiansen takes us down into the huge engine room on board, where Langemyr lies screwing. He currently has Lukas Johannessen as his henchman, who is on secondment from Eilert Sundt upper secondary school.

- There are three such plates to be unscrewed. These are heavy matters. We have to be four men to carry them up the stairs, says Langemyr.

FFS has management agreements on several seismic boats that are in storage in Farsund and Lyngdal.

- Sometimes it happens that boats that are out on a mission need parts. Then it is often faster to collect the parts from sister ships that are in stock than to order new ones, says workshop manager at FFS, Ronny Christoffersen.